> Customers_and_Suppliers / Customers / Record / To enter your customer record details

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Customer record - details

Customers are key to any businesses, to help you record customer details, sales to specific customers, receipts and outstanding balances you can create customer records in Sage Accounts.

There are various tabs to record your customer information. However, most of the critical information required needs to be entered on the Details tab.

Before setting up your customer records, make sure you have completed the Customise your company settings tasks. If you haven't yet defined these settings, from the Help menu > Customise your company, follow the instructions provided.

To create a new customer record in this window enter a customer reference and any other required details then click Save. Alternatively, you can create the record using the New Customer option that starts a wizard which guides you through the process.

Find out more about how to enter information in:

Details Defaults Credit Control Sales Orders Projects Graphs Activity Bank Communications Memo

Account DetailsOpen this section


A unique reference code used to identify the customer. It can include letters or numbers or both, for example SMITH01. An account code can't be changed once the record has been saved.

Your customers are listed in the Customers window and are sorted in order by this code. Numbers appear before letters in the list, so Account Customer 123ABC would appear higher on the list than Account Customer ABC123.

You can use the drop down list to select a different customer based on their account code.

Tip: When using numeric codes make sure you use leading zeros in the number. This will keep the code sorted in the correct order.

Company Name

The customer's trading name. It can consist of up to sixty characters of text. The name is used in reports and documents you may want to print and send to your customer, such as invoices.


Shows the amount of money this customer owes you. Your software updates this figure every time a transaction is recorded for the customer.

We recommend you don't use the OB (opening balance) button to the right of the box to enter adjustments to the account as it also adds the amount to the suspense account, and the transaction is assumed to be reconciled so it wouldn't be available for bank reconciliation.

Registered addressOpen this section


You can enter up to sixty characters per line. The address is used in documents you may want to print and send to your customer such as invoices, credit notes, letters, labels and statements.

Use the Street1, Street2, Town, County and Post Code lines to enter your customer’s address.

Tip: The labels used for the address lines can be changed to suit. To do this, choose Settings > Company Preferences then click the Labels tab.


This setting is important as it is used to validate VAT numbers recorded in your software, which do vary between countries. It is also used for Intrastat reporting, which you will need to do if you trade goods within the EU.

The suggested country is based on your regional settings in Windows. Use the drop-down list to select the country where the customer is based.

VAT Number

If you and your customer are VAT registered traders, there is a legal requirement to provide your customer with a VAT invoice for all sales.

The code can be up to thirty characters in length and in the correct format which your software checks. Different countries use different VAT number formats.

Address & Contacts

You can enter multiple addresses for this customer whether they are for general contact or delivery. When recording a sales transaction or preparing a letter you can then choose which address you want to use.

Contact informationOpen this section

Contact name

The person responsible for the account, though you can use this box to hold any other related information.

Trade contact

The person you would contact if you had a query about an order. The person who is actually working with the goods, as opposed to the person who has ordered them.


The number you expect to use most often when contacting this customer.

You can call this number using the button to the right of this box if you have set up the Windows Phone Dialer and are connected to a modem. When you start the call any text you enter in the box is ignored, but be sure to enter the area code before the main number, for example 0191 2553000.

Sometimes it is necessary to pause the dialing sequence. Enter a comma in the number wherever you need a pause, for example 0191, 2553000. If you have to dial a number to connect to an outside line remember to include this in the number, for example 9, 0191, 2553000..

Telephone 2

An alternative contact number, perhaps a mobile number or a direct line to your contact.


Record a fax or telex number, which can be up to thirty characters.


The customer’s website.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can then access the customer's website by selecting the button alongside the Website box.

Email settings & addressesOpen this section

Email 1

Use this entry box to record the customer's primary email address.

You can email the customer using the button to the right of the box provided you are using Microsoft® Outlook and that the Email 1 entry consists of a valid email address for the customer.

When you click the button a blank email appears ready for you to draft but it does contain the customer's primary email address.

Email 2

As per Email 1, use this entry box to record an alternative email address for the customer; for example the email address for the Stores Controller or Accounts Department at the customer site(s).

Email 3

Again as per Email 1, use this entry box to record an alternative email address for the customer; for example the email address for the Stores Controller or Accounts Department at the customer site(s).

I send letters, statements etc to this customer using email

This is a flag set on the customer’s account to indicate how you send correspondence to them. It has nothing to do with Transaction Email mentioned below.

If you select this check box, you must enter an email address in the previous box to save and close the record.

I send invoices to this customer using Transaction Email

If you intend to use or are using Transaction Email and want to send and receive invoices and order to this customer, select this check box.

If you select this check box, you must enter an email address in the previous box to save and close the record.

The Transaction Email feature is designed to process electronic invoices and orders.

Account Types - for charities onlyOpen this section

Account type

If you want to filter your customer list to display only donors, customers or members, choose the account type on the donor (customer) records you set up.

Tip: To filter the customer list use Search.

Donor Information - for charities onlyOpen this section

Default fund

A fund can be assigned to each customer record. This is intended to speed up transaction entry.

When you record income from this customer, your software applies the fund assigned to the customer’s record to the transaction.

This is referred to as a default. If during transaction entry the default fund is not appropriate, you can record another fund against the income at that point.

Gift Aid Declaration Received

This is extremely useful if you intend to reclaim tax for charitable donations. By setting this option you have the means to generate a Gift Aid report.

The report details customers that have made donations. These details cover a customer’s name, address and the tax that can be reclaimed.

However, to ensure the money received from a customer is included in the report, record the donation as an invoice or donation.

Both methods require a customer to be associated with the transaction. A bank receipt does not require a customer to be associated with the transaction and therefore will not be included in the Gift Aid report.

Declaration Valid from

This information is only used for reference purposes on the record. It does not affect the Gift Aid report.

Membership Details - for charities onlyOpen this section

Membership Since

Renewal due


The membership dates can be used for reporting purposes.

To take advantage of them you need to create customised reports in Report Designer.

From the Tools menu, choose Report Designer. Alternatively, press F12. Report Designer opens.

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